Your current feed reader is full of unread items. You’re hesitant to subscribe to any more feeds because you can't keep up with your existing subs. Maybe you've even abandoned feeds altogether.
Fever takes the temperature of your slice of the web and shows you what's hot.
While It’s Hot Fever reads your feeds and picks out the most frequently talked about links from a customizable time period. Unlike traditional aggregators, Fever works better the more feeds you follow.
No Pressure By default Fever hides unread counts to spare you unsavory unread item guilt but sometimes you want to keep an eye on those climbing numbers. Control unread counts on a global, group or feed level.
Stay Hydrated
Fever integrates with the popular Mac OS X single-site browser factory The total number of unread items is updated in the Dock in real-time.
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Iconic If a picture is worth a thousand words a favicon is worth at least the title of the feed. Fever caches and embeds the favicons of all the sites you follow into a single, compressed file so reading is fast and intuitive.
Take It with You Fever includes an optimized interface designed specifically for the iPhone and iPod touch so you can access the current hotness, your saved items and the rest of your unread anywhere you go.
To make the most of the Hot list, Fever asks you to make a simple distinction between essential and supplemental feeds. Essential, must-read feeds are Kindling. Supplemental, low signal-to-noise feeds are Sparks. Sparks ignite Kindling raising the temperature of items and links that should not be missed.
Eye Before You Buy Because Fever is a state-based single-user system a live demo isn’t possible. This video demo will highlight some of Fever’s features and walk through the compatibility suite and installation.
In order to purchase Fever and qualify for support you must first create an account.
Once logged in you will be able to download the Fever Server Compatibility Suite which doubles as an installer.
Upon confirmation of your server’s ability to support Fever return here to purchase or retrieve your Activation Key.
全网影视排行榜_腾讯视频:2021-5-18 · 腾讯视频致力于打造中国领先的在线视频媒体平台,以丰富的内容、极致的观看体验、便捷的登录方式、24小时多平台无缝应用体验以及快捷分享的产品特性,主要满足用户在线观看视频的需求。
Please note that the Fever Account Center and your individual Fever installation do not share the same email and password.
Fever is designed, developed and supported by a single individual. Typical response time is currently 5 or more business days.
Hey there, I have officially suspended sales and support of Fever. The Create Account, Add License, w加速任天行安卓版, and Contact forms have been disabled. Existing customers may continue to login and download Fever.
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